To find out about my research, students, and latest publications, please visit my research lab's website - the Amyoli Internet Research Laboratory or AIR lab for short. I have received generous research funding from the National Science Foundation, the National Security Agency, a Facebook "Securing the Internet" award, and multiple Google Faculty Research Awards.
Schaffner, B., Ulloa, Y., Sahni, R., Li, J., Cohen, A.K., Messier, N., Gao, L., and Chetty, M. An Experimental Study of Netflix Use and Effects of Autoplay on Watching Behaviors. To Appear CSCW 2025.
Tran, V.H., Mehrotra, A., Sharma, R., Chetty, M., Feamster, N., Frankenreiter, J., and Strahilevitz, L. Dark Patterns in the Opt-Out Process and Compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). To Appear CHI 2025.
Wagman, K.B., Dearing, M.T., and Chetty, M. Generative AI Uses and Risks for Knowledge Workers in a Science Organization. To Appear CHI 2025.
Blinder, E., Fessehazion, S., Torok, Z., bonsignore, e., Fails, J., Yip, J., Chetty, M., Vitak, J., and Clegg, T. Evaluating Privacy and Security Tradeoffs With Children Using Hypothetical `Would You Rather' Scenarios. CSCW 2024.
Katcher,S., Wang, L, Yang, C., Messdaghi, C., Mazurek, M.L., Chetty, M., Fulton, K.R., and Votipka, D. A Survey of Cybersecurity Professionals’ Perceptions and Experiences of Safety and Belonging in the Community. SOUPS 2024.
Schaffner, B., Bhagoji, A.N., Cheng, M., Mei, J., Shen, J., Wang, G., Lakier, G., Tan, C., Feamster, N., and Chetty, M. Community Guidelines Make This the Best Party on the Internet: An In-Depth Study of Online Platforms' Content Moderation Policies. CHI 2024. [pdf] [dataset and web scraper]
Schaffner, B., Brohn, A., Chee, J., Feng, K.J., and Chetty, M. Designing and Testing a Mobile Application for Collecting WhatsApp Chat Data While Preserving Privacy. Available on Arxiv. 2024 [pdf]
Tran, V. Mehrotra, A., Chetty, M., Feamster, N., Frankenreiter, J., and Strahilevitz, L. Measuring Compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act Over Space and Time. CHI 2024. [pdf]
Chanenson, J., Sloane, B., Morrill, A., Chee, J., Rajan, N., Huang, D., and Chetty, M. Uncovering Privacy and Security Challenges In K-12 Schools. CHI 2023. [pdf] *Honorable Mention Award
Huisingh-Scheetz, M., Bryant, B., Taylor, C., Foster, B., Appelhans, B., Chetty, M., Danilovich, M., Davis, E., Feamster, N., Finch, L., Richardson, M., Thomas, N., Wagman, K., Wan, W., Wilder, J., Hawkley, L. Design, methods and preliminary findings for the EngAGE trial: An exercise and social engagement intervention for multimorbid, homebound African American older adult-care partner dyads delivered over voice-activated technology. Oral Presentation. International Conference on Frailty and Sarcopenia Research. Toulouse, France. To Appear March 22-24, 2023.
Kumar, P. C., O’Connell, F., Li, L., Byrne, V., Chetty, M., Clegg, T., and Vitak, J. Understanding research on designing for children’s privacy and security: A document analysis. IDC 2023. [pdf]
Schaffner, B., Stefanescu, A., Campili, O, and Chetty, M. Don’t Let Netflix Drive the Bus: User’s Sense of Agency OverTime and Content Choice on Netflix”. CSCW 2023. [pdf]
Wagman, K. B., Blinder, E. B., Song, K., Vignon, A., Dworkin, S., Clegg, T., Vitak, J., and Chetty, M. “We picked community over privacy”: Privacy and security concerns emerging from remote learning sociotechnical infrastructure during COVID-19. CSCW 2023. [pdf]
Apthorpe, N., Emami-Naeini, P., Mathur, A., Chetty, M., and Feamster, N. (2022) You, Me, and IoT: How Internet-Connected Consumer Devices Affect Interpersonal Relationships. Transactions of Internet of Things (TIOT). [pdf]
Dutkowska-Zuk, A., Hounsel, A., Morill, A., Xiong, A., Chetty, M., and Feamster, N. (2022) How and Why People Use Virtual Private Networks. USENIX Security 2022. [pdf]
Feng, K.K.J., Song, K., Li, K., Chakrabarti, O., and Chetty, M. (2022) Investigating How University Students in the United States Encounter and Deal With Misinformation in Private WhatsApp Chats During COVID-19. SOUPS 2022. [pdf]
Fulton, K.R., Katcher, S., Song, K., Chetty, M., Mazurek, M.L., Messdaghi, C., and Votipka, D. (2022) Vulnerability Discovery for All: Experiences of Marginalization in Vulnerability Discovery. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2022. [pdf]
Schaffner, B., Lingareddy, N., and Chetty, M. (2022) Understanding Account Deletion and Relevant Dark Patterns On Social Media. CSCW 2022. [pdf]
[Public Policy] Chetty, M., Kugler, M., Schaffner, B. and Strahilevitz, L. (2022). Comment on California Consumer Privacy Act Regulations - Public Participation in the Rulemaking Process. [pdf]
[Public Policy] Chanenson, J., Chetty, M., Crum, C., Feamster, N., Holiman, J., Khanna, A., MacMillan, K., Pandey, B., Peterson, A., Rothstein, Z., Schaffner, B., Strahilevitz, L., and Yasmeh, J. (2022) Comment on Dark Patterns in Social Media for European Data Protection Board. [pdf]
[Public Policy] Collaborative comment with King, J., Kshirsagar, M., et al. (2022) on Digital Advertising Business Guidance Request for Information. [pdf]
Boyd, M., Sullivan, J., Chetty, M. and Ur, B. (2021) Understanding the Security and Privacy Advice Given to Black Lives Matter Protesters. CHI 2021. [pdf]. *Honorable Mention Award
Major, D., Huang, D., Chetty, M. and Feamster, N. (2021) Alexa, Who Am I Speaking To? Understanding Users’ Ability to Identify Third-Party Apps on Amazon Alexa. Transactions on Internet Technology. 2021. [pdf].
[Public Policy] Chetty, M., Lingareddy, N., Schaffner, B., and Strahilevitz, L. (2021) Comment on Dark Patterns for Federal Trade Commission Docket FTC-2021-0019. [pdf]
Kumar, P.C., Subramaniam, M., Vitak, J., Clegg, T.L., & Chetty, M. (2020). Strengthening Children’s Privacy Literacy Through Contextual Integrity. Media and Communication, 8(4). [pdf]
Narayanan, A., Mathur, A., Chetty, M., & Kshirsagar, M. (2020). Dark Patterns: Past, Present, and Future. Queue, 18(2), 67-92. [pdf]
Reichel, J., Peck, F., Inaba, M., Moges, B., Chawla, B., S., and Chetty, M. (2020) `I have too much respect for my elders': Understanding South African Mobile Users' Perceptions of Privacy and Current Behaviors on Facebook and WhatsApp. USENIX Security 2020. [pdf]
Swart, M., Lopez, Y., Mathur, A., and Chetty, M. (2020) Is This An Ad?: Automatically Disclosing Online Endorsements On YouTube With AdIntuition. CHI 2020. [pdf] Note: AdIntuition is available for Firefox and Chrome.
[Public Policy] Chetty, M., Kshirsagar, M., Mathur A., Mayer, J., and Narayanan, A. (June 2020). Comment on Online Endorsement Guidelines To Federal Trade Commission. [pdf]
[Public Policy] Chetty, M., Cohney, S., Kshirsagar, M., Mathur, A., Mayer, J., Narayanan, A., Teixeira, E., and Waldman, A.E. (February 2020) Comment on Revised Proposed Regulations Implementing the California Consumer Privacy Act. [pdf]
Kumar, P., Chetty, M., Clegg, T., and Vitak, J. (2019) Privacy and Security Considerations For Digital Technology Use in Elementary Schools. CHI 2019. [pdf]
Kumar, P., Vitak, J., Clegg, T., and Chetty, M. (2019). The Platformization Of The Classroom: Teachers As Surveillant Consumers. Surveillance & Society, 17(1/2), 145-152. [pdf]
Li, F., Rogers, L., Mathur, A., Malkin, N., and Chetty, M. (2019) Keepers of the Machines: Examining How System Administrators Manage Software Updates For Multiple Machines. SOUPS 2019 [pdf] *Distinguished Paper Award
Mathur, A., Acar, G., Friedman, M., Lucherini, E., Mayer, J., Chetty, M., and Narayanan, A. (2019) Dark Patterns at Scale: Findings from a Crawl of 11K Shopping Websites. CSCW 2019. [pdf] *Privacy Papers for Policymakers 2019 Award
[Public Policy] Chetty, M., Felten, E.W., Kshirsagar, M., Mathur, A., Mayer, J., Narayanan, A., Ongkowijaya, V., Salganik, M.J., Sanfilippo, M. and Waldman, A.E. (December 2019) COPPA Rule Review, 16 CFR part 312, Project No. P195404. [pdf]
Kumar, P., Vitak, J., Chetty, M., Clegg, T., Yang, J., McNally, B., and bonsignore, e. (2018) Co-Designing Online Privacy-Related Games and Stories with Children. Interaction Design and Children Conference 2018. [pdf]
Mathur, A., Narayanan, A., and Chetty, M. (2018) Endorsements on Social Media: An Empirical Study of Affiliate Marketing Disclosures on YouTube and Pinterest. CSCW 2018. [pdf] *Best Paper Award.
Mathur, A., Narayanan, A., Vitak, J., and Chetty, M. (2018) Characterizing the Use of Browser-Based Blocking Extensions To Prevent Online Tracking. SOUPS 2018. [pdf]
Romanosky, J. and Chetty, M. (2018) 'Understanding the Use and Impact of the Zero-Rated Free Basics Platform in South Africa'. CHI 2018. [pdf]
Winter, P., Edmundson, A., Roberts, L., Dutkowska-Żuk, A., Chetty, M., and Feamster, N. (2018) How Do Tor Users Interact With Onion Services? Usenix Security 2018. [pdf]
Zheng, S., Apthorpe, N., Chetty, M., and Feamster, N. (2018) User Perceptions of Smart Home IoT Privacy. CSCW 2018. [pdf]
Mathur, A., Narayanan, A., and Chetty M. An Empirical Study of Affiliate Marketing Disclosures on YouTube and Pinterest. (2018) The Workshop on Technology and Consumer Protection (ConPro '18). [pdf]
Chang, V., Chundury, P., and Chetty, M. (2017). "Spiders in the Sky": User Perceptions of Drones, Privacy, and Security. CHI 2017, Denver, Colorado, USA. [pdf]
Kumar, P., Naik, S.M., Devkar, U.R., Chetty, M., Clegg, T., and Vitak, J. (2017) ‘No Telling Passcodes Out Because They’re Private’: Understanding Children’s Mental Models of Privacy and Security Online. CSCW 2018 Online First. [pdf]
Mathur, A. and Chetty, M. (2017). "Impact of User Characteristics on Attitudes Towards Automatic Mobile Application Updates. SOUPS 2017, Santa Clara, California, USA. [pdf]
Mathur, A., Sobti, S., Engel, J., Chang, V., and Chetty, M. (2016). "They Keep Coming Back Like Zombies" Improving Software Updating Interfaces. SOUPS 2016, Denver, Colorado, USA. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Kim, H., Sundaresan, S., Burnett, S., Feamster, N., and Edwards, W.K.. (2015) "uCap: An Internet Data Management Tool For The Home". CHI 2015, Seoul, Korea. [pdf]
Mathur, A., Schlotfeldt, B, and Chetty, M.. (2015) "A Mixed-Methods Study of Mobile Users' Data Usage Practices in South Africa". Ubicomp 2015, Osaka, Japan. [pdf]
Gupta, A., Calder, M., Feamster, N., Chetty, M., Calandro, E., and Katz-Bassett, E. (2014) "Peering at the Internet's Frontier. A First Look at ISP Interconnectivity in Africa." PAM 2014, Los Angeles, CA, USA. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Muckaden, S., Sundaresan, S., Feamster, N., and Calandro, E. (2013) "Measuring Broadband Performance in South Africa". ACM DEV 2013, Cape Town, South Africa. [pdf]
Wyche, S.P. and Chetty, M. (2013) "Designing to Support Connectivity Between Africans Living Abroad and "Home"". CHI 2013, Paris, France. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Calandro, E. and Feamster, N. (2013) Latency Effects on Broadband Performance in South Africa. Internet Society Workshop on Reducing Internet Latency.[pdf]
Chetty, M., Banks, R., Bernheim Brush, A.J., Donner, J. and Grinter, R.E. (2012) "You're Capped" Understanding the Effects of Broadband Caps on Broadband Use in the Home. CHI 2012, Austin, TX, USA. [pdf]
Chetty, M. and Feamster, N. (2012) Refactoring Network Infrastructure to Improve Manageability: A Case Study of Home Networking. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. Vol 42, No 3. July 2012. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Haslem, D., Baird, A., Ofoha, U., Sumner, B. and Grinter, R.E. (2011) Why Is My Internet Slow?: Making Network Speeds Visible. CHI 2011, Vancouver, Canada. [pdf] *Best Paper Award.
Kim, H., Sundaresan, S., Chetty, M., Feamster, N. and Edwards, W. K. (2011) Communicating with Caps: Managing Usage Caps in Home Networks. SIGCOMM 2011 Demo, ACM. [pdf]
Sundaresan, S., Feamster, N., Teixeira, R., Tang, T., Edwards, W.K., Grinter, R.E., Chetty, M., and de Donato, W. (2011) Helping Users to Shop for ISPs with Nutrition Labels. HomeNets Workshop SIGCOMM 2011, ACM. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Banks, R. Bernheim Brush, A.J., Donner, J. and Grinter, R.E. (2011) While The Meter Is Running: Computing In A Capped World. Interactions Magazine, ACM. [pdf]
Wagstom, P., Thomas, J., Martino, J., Jones, L., von Kaenel, J. and Chetty, M. (2011) A Dive into Online Community Properties. CSCW 2011 Interactive Papers, 19-23 March, Hangzhou, China.
Chetty, M. (2011) Making Infrastructure Visible: A Case Study of Home Networking. College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Banks, R., Harper, R., Regan, T., Sellen, A., Gkantsidis, C., Karagiannis, T. and Key, P. (2010) Who's Hogging the Bandwidth?: The Consequences of Revealing the Invisible in the Home. CHI 2010, Atlanta, GA, USA. [pdf]
Wyche, S.P, Smyth, T.N., Chetty, M., Aoki, P.M., and Grinter, R.E. (2010) Deliberate Interactions: Characterizing Technology Use In Nairobi, Kenya. CHI 2010, Atlanta, GA USA. [pdf]
Chetty, M. (2010) Serving Up from The Internet Melting Pot. Presented at Transnational Times Workshop at Ubicomp 2010, 26-29 September, Copenhagen, Denmark. [pdf]
Chetty, M. (2010) Remaking The Things We've Already Made: A Look At Unused Computing Equipment in the Home. Presented at Examining Appropriation, Re-use and Maintenance for Sustainabilty Workshop at CHI 2010, 10-15 April, Atlanta, GA, USA. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Brush, A.J.B., Meyers, B.J. and Johns, P. (2009) It's Not Easy Being Green: Understanding Home Computer Power Management. CHI 2009, Boston, USA. [pdf]
Grinter, R. E., Edwards, W.K., Chetty, M., Shehan-Poole, E., Sung, J., Yang, J., Crabtree, A., Tolmie, P., Rodden, T., Greenhalgh, C. and Benford, S. (2009) The Ins and Outs of Home Networking: The Case for Useful and Usable Domestic Networking. ACM Trans. Computer-Human Interaction. Vol 16, Issue 2, Article 8. [pdf]
Shehan-Poole, E., Chetty, M., Morgan, T., Grinter, R.E. and Edwards, W.K. (2009) Computer Help At Home: Methods and Motivations for Informal Technical Support. CHI 2009, Boston, USA. [pdf]
Chetty, M. (2009) Contemporary Domestic Infrastructure and Technology Design. CHI 2009 Doctoral Colloquium, Boston, USA. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Tran, D. and Grinter, R.E. (2008) Getting to Green: Understanding Resource Consumption in the Home. Ubicomp 2008, Seoul, Korea. [pdf]
Shehan-Poole, E., Chetty, M., Grinter, R.E. and Edwards, W.K. (2008) More than Meets the Eye: Transforming the User Experience of Home Network Management. Designing Interactive Systems, Cape Town, South Africa. [pdf]
Chetty, M. (2008) Do Domestic Infrastructures Have Values? Ubicomp 2008 Doctoral Colloquium, Seoul, Korea.
Thomas, J. C., Dearden, A., Best, M.L., Dray, S., Light, A., Chetty, M., Kam, M., Maunder, A. and Sambasivan, N. (2008) HCI for Community and International Development. CHI 2008, 5-6 April, Florence, Italy. [pdf]
Thomas, J. C., Dearden, A., Best, M.L., Dray, S., Winscheirs. H, Chetty, M., Kam, M., Maunder, A. and Aykin, N. (2008) Building an International Community: Designing Interactive Systems for/with Communities in the Developing World. DIS 2008, Cape Town, South Africa.
Chetty, M. and Grinter, R.E. (2007) HCI4D: How Do We Design For The Global South. Presented at User Centered Design and International Development Workshop at CHI 2007, 28 April-3 May, San Jose, Ca, USA. [pdf]
Chetty, M. and Grinter, R.E. (2007) HCI4D: HCI Challenges in the Global South. CHI 2007 Extended Abstracts, 28 April-3 May, San Jose, California, USA. (Honorable Mention in People's Choice of WIP awards) [pdf]
Chetty, M., Sung, J. and Grinter, R.E. (2007) How Smart Homes Learn: The Evolution of the Networked Home and Household. Ubicomp 2007, Innsbruck, Austria. [pdf]
Kientz, J., Arriaga, R.I., Chetty, M., Hayes, G.R., Richardson, J., Patel, S. and Abowd, G. (2007) Grow and Know: Understanding Record-Keeping Needs for the Development of Young Children. CHI 2007, San Jose, California, USA. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Buckhalter, C., Best, M., Grinter, R.E. and Guzdial, M. (2007) Description of Computer Science Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: Initial Explorations. Technical Report GIT-GVU-07-14, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology.
Brown, B., Chetty, M., Grimes, A. and Harmon, E. (2006) Reflecting on health: A diet and exercise monitoring system for college students. CHI Extended Abstracts, 22-27 April, Montreal, Canada. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Blake, E. and McPhie, E. (2006) Voice Deregulation In South Africa: Implications for Underserviced Areas. Vol 30, Issues 5-6, Pages 332-344, Telecommunications Policy, Elsevier Ltd. [pdf]
Chetty, M. and Grinter, R.E. (2006) Making Connections: Designing for Home Networking. Presented at IT@Home Workshop at CHI 2006, 22-27 April, Montreal, Canada. [pdf]
Chetty, M. (2005) Developing Locally Relevant Applications for Rural South Africa: A Telemedicine Example. Dept of Computer Science, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Tucker, W. and Blake, E. (2004) Developing Locally Relevant Software Applications For Rural Areas: A South African Example Proceedings of SAICSIT 2004, 4-6 October, Cape Town. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Tucker, B. and Blake, E. (2004) Telemedicine in the Eastern Cape using VoIP combined with a Store and Forward Approach In Proceedings Southern African Telecommunication Networks Applications Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. [pdf]
Chetty, M., Tucker, B. and Blake, E. (2003) Using Voice over IP to Bridge the Digital Divide - A Critical Action Research Approach. In Proceedings Southern African Telecommunication Networks Applications Conference, George, South Africa. [pdf]
Kritzinger, P., Chetty, M., Landman, J., Marconi, M. and Ryndina, O. (2003) ChattaBox: A Case Study in Using UML and SDL for Engineering Concurrent Communicating Software Systems. In Proceedings Southern African Telecommunications Networks and Applications Conference, George, South Africa. [pdf]
Chetty, M. (2002) A Comparison of Unified Modeling Language (UML) and Specification and Description Language (SDL). Technical Report 02-01-00, Department of Computer Science, University of Cape Town.